Wednesday, June 30, 2010


This weekend Elizabeth and I switched hoods, and I found myself in LA.  As I always do when I am visiting another town, I talk to the locals to find the best places to eat.  Per Elizabeth’s suggestion I tried Huckleberry in Santa Monica—what a suggestion it was!  The breakfast menu is full of scrumptious eats.  I LOVE the idea of eggs over quinoa or veggies, but when I saw “Green Eggs & Ham” my mind was made.  I’ve always been intrigued by dishes with catchy names; it didn't just sound nice, it sounded amazing!

When you walk up to the counter, you pass a gold mine of fresh, homemade pastries.  I usually don’t have dessert for breakfast, but when the selection is this good, it’s impossible not to.  One of my favorite foodie friends Katharine joined me on this epicurean endeavor.  She has a keen sweet tooth and often talks me into sweet things. We settled on a peach and blueberry crumble, topped off with whipped cream, which was more than worth the calories.

The crème de la crème came in the form of  “Green Eggs and Ham.”  And here is how it went: two homemade English muffins layered with beautiful prosciutto, fried eggs and drizzled with pesto. All of this was topped with a bright arugula salad that lightened up the whole dish.  It was lovely.  It was perfect.  It was the best breakfast I have ever had.

Katharine has the same trepidation as
Elizabeth about eggs, and opts for scrambled
over fried.  Stay tuned to find out more on
Elizbeth and eggs!

So good in fact that I went back the following morning, and ordered it again. This time with Jack, who ordered the same thing as Katharine (which was the fried egg sandwich).  When it came down to it, what I ultimately loved about Huckleberry was the attention to detail.  Like my favorite restaurants in the Bay Area, it focused on quality and source of ingredients.  It’s a fundamental belief I’ve subscribed to all along, and it makes all the difference.

For anyone who lives in LA, close to LA or plans on visiting LA: do yourself a favor and treat yourself to a trip to Huckleberry.

Happy eating,

Why not try this?


  1. The owners of Huckleberry just opened an ice cream shop in Brentwood called Sweet Rose Creamery. The best ice cream I've ever had, made with local and organic ingredients.

    Salted. Caramel. Ice Cream.


  2. Rob, Elizabeth here. We are so hearing you on Sweet Rose Creamery... I have been dying to venture out there and try the salted caramel ice cream myself. It's all everyone's raving about!!!

  3. Hey ladies! A coworker just informed me that the owners of Huckleberry also own a restaurant across the street called Rustic Canyon. It's supposed to be awesome. Based on our fabulous experience at H-Berry (after that egg sandwich, we're on a nickname basis now), I def wanna try Rustic Canyon. Linds, next time you're in town, it's ON. Hopefully Elizabeth can join this time :)


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